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Broken Horses

I have been dying to catch up on Brandi Carlisle’s book, Broken Horses, since it came out! I got the good news that BAM! Audiobooks has arrived in App form, so I decided to LISTEN. Listening to this book was one of my more enjoyable experiences for a number of reasons. First, Brandi narrates it, and her speaking voice is just as amazing as her singing voice. Secondly, the story of her life up until now is so incredible; I was sneaking away every chance I could to hear the next chapter. And lastly, Brandi sings throughout her memoir, and it is pure heaven to have those songs interspersed as treats within the audiobook. What a masterpiece of entertainment we have here! Once you’ve purchased your digital audiobook from, download the BAM! Audiobooks app from Google Play or the App Store and start listening right away. You can feel good that you are supporting a 105-year-old FAMILY-OWNED COMPANY. That’s right—many people don’t know that my husband's great-grandfather started the business when he was 14! His name was Clyde, too! It’s a family affair! “Without love in the dream, it'll never come true. —Jerry Garcia