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The Great Blue Hills of God

When my friend Dee Haslam told me about this book, I was immediately intrigued. Having visited Blackberry I was immediately struck by what an incredible world the Beall family had built, and I knew only a little of this enigmatic group as a whole. Buckle your seat belt as you drive into the whirlwind life of Kreis Beall. Over her 36 year marriage to Sandy, they bought and sold so many houses between Knoxville, TN, Hilton Head, SC, and Point Clear, AL, it's dizzying. I found this memoir to be an unflinchingly honest look at her life while discovering the key is to not have your home and family look perfect on the outside. You must devote the time to develop your inner life so that when the walls (in her case, literally) come crumbling down, you will have the spiritual foundation to weather the storm.