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The Latecomer

A sweeping family drama set in Brooklyn and Martha's Vineyard is packed with uneasy clan dynamics, a father's young tragedy, and his incredible modern art collection, which he bought with his immense inherited wealth and hides away in a warehouse in Red Hook. The yearning mother just wants everyone to get along, damnit. Of the triplets, we have sensitive Lewyn, who dabbles in Mormonism for a spell, an antique-loving Sally who is hiding a secret she doesn't even know she has, and Harrison, a nasty conservative (he's deplorable no matter your politics.) Then, finally, The latecomer arrives about 18 years too late. The last 100 pages of this book were possibly the most exhilarating of any book I have read to date! For my Charleston friends, I have very exciting news indeed! I have the honor and pleasure of interviewing the lovely author at this year's Charleston Literary Festival. Buy this book and get your tickets; it's going to be such fun and incredibly interesting!