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Six Seasons: A New Way with Vegetables

Many of us in recent years have naturally been gravitating to a more plant-based, locally sourced diet. This book speaks to that trend of eating local, in-season food. Joshua McFadden, formerly of the beloved Blue Hill restaurant in Manhattan, took a leap of faith and changed courses to leave the restaurant and take over a farm in Portland. As he states in the foreword, he wrote this book to help cooks of all skill levels become more energized and excited about cooking locally and seasonally. If there is a more satisfying activity than foraging the farmers markets (or even better, your own garden!) and creating from that something truly inspired and delicious to share with family and friends, I do not know it. McFadden has split summer into three different seasons which, especially for us southerners, gives us the power to reap the full bounty of the long, hot season with gusto! I haven’t been this excited about a cookbook in many years, and it’s all due to the simplicity of these nourishing recipes.