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Now Is Not the Time to Panic

A zany and twisted sense of humor in Kevin Wilson's writing first charmed me, and an unencumbered imagination and his ability to keep his finger on the pulse of the wild beating hearts of the world always leaves me calling for more. The teenage experience is captured so truthfully here, and you will be smitten with the two misfits in this book. Frankie is a 16-year-old aspiring writer and all-around loner with a divorced mom and triplet older brothers. She lives in tiny Coalfield, Tennessee, where she plans to spend the summer working on her novel and eating Little Debbies. Zeke, a talented artist whose father's sexual pursuits outside of his marriage have landed him and his mother at his grandmother's house for the summer, more or less drops out of the sky—and this is where this heart-snagging, life-changing summer begins!